南希 棕色(的)


南希·布朗 is 首席执行官 of the 美国心脏协会 (AHA), 它正在庆祝 百周年 in 2024 and launching its second century of advancing health and hope for everyone, 到处都是. 它坚定不移的使命: To be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives.

Under 南希’s leadership as CEO since 2008, the AHA has become a global authority on cardiovascular and 大脑健康 as well as overall health and well-being, active in more than 100个国家 产生了比 $1.20亿年 在年收入中. Forging powerful partnerships – together with more than 40 million volunteers, 支持者和工作人员-南希冠军 公平的健康 for all and is committed to innovation at the intersection of science, technology and public health on behalf of patients and their families.


  • 投资超过 $5.90亿年 to accelerate scientific discoveries in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular care and driving innovation using new technologies, 包括 人工智能.

  • Expanding the Association’s global leadership in resuscitation science and 心肺复苏/AED education and training, 包括启动“救生员国家” movement to empower everyone to save a life.

  • 增强妇女健康权能 为女性加油® movement, 研究 Goes Red—a consumer registry of women— and the 为女性选择红色风险基金—the largest known dedicated women’s health venture fund in the U.S.

  • 资助创新科学 大脑健康 and advancing solutions to build life-long cognitive skills and prevent brain disorders and diseases.

  • 领导一个综合的方法来 食品科学倡议, 包括 a multisector 健康 Care by Food initiative, and developing go-to-market solutions that improve health, food system sustainability and nutrition security.

  • 定义 cardio-kidney-metabolic综合症 for the first time and launching an initiative to provide treatment guidelines for the roughly 1 in 3 people affected in the U.S.

  • Investing in and creating innovative commercial solutions through 啊哈合资企业, Cardeation资本, and the Association’s family of Social Impact Funds that support entrepreneurial businesses and community leaders to create equitable, 可持续卫生解决方案.

  • 建立健康的, high performing and engaged workforce by partnering with Fortune 500 CEOs, 通过 AHA CEO圆桌会议, to improve the health and well-being of employees, families and communities.

  • Ensuring longer, healthier lives for all patients by elevating heart and stroke quality improvement programs and registries in more than 2,900 hospitals and nearly 2,000 clinics across the U.S., 包括 470 in rural communities, as well as 14 countries.

  • 打造世界级 临床试验研究所 to accelerate solutions using data science, registries, and real-life studies.

  • 支持数百万 患者和护理人员 通过新一代, 循证护理解决方案, navigation services and clinic-to-community connections.

  • 启动 一个勇敢的想法™, an $85 million research and innovation enterprise to prevent coronary artery disease, 与Verily联合创立. 这项开创性的努力发展成为 一个勇敢的想法² which will advance access to AI-based solutions to predict and treat patients at an earlier stage for improved health.

  • 建立16 战略重点研究网络 和三个 卫生公平研究网络 to bring together leading experts and investigators to advance scientific discoveries on critical health topics such as hypertension, 母婴保健, 长期的压力, 肥胖, 孩子的健康, 血管疾病, 差距, 农村卫生等.

  • 影响 政策及法例, 40多年来, 增加联邦研究经费, promoting better health and access to care, expanding Medicaid coverage in 40 states 包括 D.C., curtailing sugary drinks and tobacco/e-cigarette consumption, 要求在学校进行心肺复苏术培训.

  • 启动 健康儿童之声 to drive equitable policies that support healthier places for kids to live, learn and play.

  • 加强 全球卫生系统 initiatives with key partners like the World 健康 Organization, 世界心脏联合会, 世界中风组织, 世界经济论坛, ministries of health and cardiovascular sister societies to advance proven strategies for high-quality systems of care around the world.

  • 启动 医疗保健计划的价值 with the Duke-Margolis Center for 健康 Policy to inspire more accessible, 负担得起和公平的保健系统.


  • 全球卫生公平网络-联合主席
  • Global Coalition for Value in 健康care - Member, Executive Board
  • 健康 & 健康care Governors Community - Past Co-Chair and Member


  • Alliance for a 健康ier Generation - Co-Founder and Member, 董事会
  • Truth Initiative - Vice Chair and Member, 董事会
  • 研究! 美国-财务主管和成员, 董事会, 执行委员会, 和董事长, 财政委员会
  • Leadership 18 - Member, 执行委员会
  • 国家卫生委员会 - Past Chair and Member, 董事会
  • Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids - Member, 董事会


  • 《欧洲杯压球》 50 / 50
  • 现代医疗保健的 2024女性领袖
  • Fair360的 #1 among Top Companies for Diverse 董事会
  • 非营利性时报》 权力与影响力


  • CNBC CEO委员会
  • 《欧洲杯压球app》CEO委员会
  • 医疗保健领域的女性领导者
  • 耶鲁CEO峰会
